Tuesday, August 4, 2009

muning.journal entry


1. I took the challenge wherein I should get a high score in a quiz or seat work. I were able to beat the challenge and I really felt so proud that I were able to get that score. I was also glad that I gained from my hard work.
I realized in the challenge, I should work hard and persevere to attain my goals and dreams. And I should not for get God in every work I will do, for him to guide me through.

2. When I first so the trailer of the inconvenient truth in the internet, I had an idea that it was all about our earth and all the calamities that we have encountered. I was shock that many people died, many properties or places were destroyed all because of the calamities. But we have also fault why these calamities happened and we also have the responsibility on our environment.

We as a human being and as a part of the environment we should know how to take care of it. Now the world is encountering a global warming it is also because of us. I realize that we should and we must take good care of it and be responsible enough to protect our world. Even in simple things or simple doings we can help and protect the world and the environment, for us to avoid such calamities and disasters.

As an individual, I commit myself that even in small or simple ways I will help improve and protect the environment. I will take good care of it in a way that I should throw my trash in the proper place and I should also be a good role model to the younger children.

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