Tuesday, August 4, 2009

muning.journal entry


For me, a responsible person is someone that can manage and organize his/her time meaningfully and can balance every work he/she will be doing. A person who is versatile enough to do anything.

My responsibility at home is to clean my room and take care of my grandmother. But I am always in my room so I have no big responsibility to do at home, just help and sometimes teach my brother in his homework and sometimes do his projects and the responsibility to do the assigned tasks to me, if there is. In school, as a student my responsibility is to do what the teacher or professor assigned us to do, listen to them when they are discussing and show them respect. And for the community as a citizen my responsibility is to help improve the environment, I should be aware of what is happening to the country, to show the correct way of disposing the garbage and showing how to conserve water.

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