Tuesday, August 4, 2009

muning.journal entry


TELLING THE TRUTH is quite hard to tell. In some instances there are times I lied to cover up the things that I have done. I admit it is really hard to tell the truth especially if you commit a big mistake. But, as I had an experience about it. I learned my lesson and I don't do it again but I became more open and so honest to the people around me especially to my family, guardians and to other people that are close to me, even in other people.

Yes I was able to do the challenge, for the fact that I where to lose my aunt's trust to me. So I tell them the truth rather than lie, because I should accept what I have done because that is the right thing to do.

When I tell the truth and as I always do tell the truth, I realize that it is not that hard. I'm just being open to them and sharing what I have done. Although I commit mistakes they were there to correct me and it is really for my own good. Now as I get older, I am realizing that all the advices and all the taught that my parents and guardians told me is really true. And I can honestly say that I really learn from all the mistakes that I have done and it help me to be not just a good person but a better person.

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