Tuesday, August 4, 2009

muning.journal entry


As I realize, I'm not that really aware of my health. Even though I'm fat or some people says that I'm healthy it is not true. In the fact that I'm not really that healthy as every people sees me in the physical, because I still have illnesses like ulcer. I know no one expect that I have it due to my physical appearance, but I do really have it. There are times that I skip meals and I drink soda even if I haven't eaten yet. I'm not aware that my stomach is getting thinner and I'm having difficulties in getting sick.

I had an experience about this illness that I really got so sick and my body cannot ease the pain. Everybody was really scared that time when my ulcer attacks. My whole body really break down, I felt dizzy and that time I am really stressed and depressed, that is why my ulcer attacks. It serves a lesson for me. My aunt told me not to stress myself and not to be depressed because it will get me sick, so I listened to them.

So now, I learned my lesson and my heath is a little bit fine. I am under medications to heal my stomach and I took up vitamins because I easily get tired and easily get sick.

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