Wednesday, August 5, 2009

muning.journal entry


I had one experience about negative peer pressure. When I was in first year high school we had a Christmas party and after that my classmates wanted me to hang out with them. But I told them that I can't go because I told my aunt that after the party I will go home. As usual they really force me, so I go with them. I was so guilty that time because I disobeyed my aunt. And after we left the school, we went to the mall. Then after we went to mall, we went back to the school, while going back to the school riding a tricycle and I was sitting in the back ride, there was an accident occurred. My left foot was crushed by another tricycle and they took me to the school and one of the janitors massage my foot. But it is useless, so they took me back home. My aunties were really shocked because of what happened to me. We left home with my family and took me to the hospital and when they x-ray my foot the doctor saw a fracture on my ankle. So it might take long to be healed, the doctor asked me if he will cast it or undergo operation. But my mother answered the doctor not to undergo operation because I'm still young and I can't handle such operation, so rather she chose to cast my foot.

In that experience I was able to learn many things, especially in disobeying my parents or guardians. At first I should not disobey my aunties so that I was able to avoid that accident. I guess the real lesson is that I should follow or listen what they told me. I know that parents and guardians do it for our own sake, they love us and they are only protecting us, avoiding us in accidents.

I have only one message to other youth like me, please listen to your parents, guardians or even in elders as they just want to protect us and avoid us in such accidents and harm, they love us that is why they care and protect us.

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