Sunday, June 28, 2009

muning.journal entry


1. How was your first week of study at MCL?
My first week of study at MCL was fine and also it was fun. I found out that some of our professors were fun, they share jokes to the class so that it won't be boring and they were great in teaching. So for me, it was fun and glad to have all my professor in this term.

2. Describe your professors. What are the traits do you find positive in each one?
For me, my professors are great and fun. They bond with us in a way that they won't let our section be boring but fun at the same time learning.
My professors traits that I find postive is of course they want us to gain more knowledge and to learn in each courses we are taking. They are also fun and they know how to adjust with us. They won't let the class be boring but of course we must listen to them and don't try to abuse their kindness and gentleness to us. Because I know they want their class to be fun and not boring but at the same time we are learning and gaining some knowledge.

3. Describe your blockmates/section. What do you think are the strengths and weaknesses of your section?
I find my blockmates or our section is so fun, always happy, there are times that the boys are noisy and so naughty "pasaway". But when our professor scold us, of course we listen and behave.
I guess, the strengths of our section are we bonded together, there are no kill joy and some of our professor told us that we are kinda good in his course and we're flattered when we heard that. About our weaknesses, to be honest I don't know yet and I don't also have any idea yet. But I guess some of our weakness is that we don't know each other yet so there are times that some of our blockmates fought or misunderstood. But I guess as time goes by we will know each other better, so that we can avoid misunderstanding and some fights. But as of now our section is not yet encountering it and we are having a great bonding. And I am looking forward to konow them better so I could adjust with them.

4. How do you find your courses? Which ones do you think are easy and which ones do you think are a little bit challenging? Why?
I find my courses a little bit hard and of course challenging. I expected it because I am now in college so I expect it that it will be really hard so I must strive hard to make good grades. I think math and logic is kinda easy. Because in Logic I will more on use my mind, common sense and it is more on reasoning. And also I find Math kinda easy and also a litte bit challenging because it is kinda easy because I like numbers and I also like solving problems or equations. But it is a little bit challenging because it will be more harder than I thought and of course it is a higher math and an engineering math so I expect that it will be really hard. Also I find my Drawing course a little bit challenging because it has a time that is set and I should finish my work before the time.

5. Do you have any adjustment you feel you are going through or must go through? What are they? Cite some examples in terms in your academics, emotions and social environment.
Of course I still have adjustments that I must go through. I know how to socialize and mingle to others, but still I have some fears and worries. I guess in academics I must take it seriously because I must pass the courses I have and graduate with an honor. In emotions I don't really have to adjust nthat much because I guess, I don't find it kinda hard to adjust specially in socializing and mingling with others. And in social environment I guess the adjustments that I have to go through is to get use to what I have and what I am doing right now. It is kinda hard for me to travel alone because I am always with my guardians and I always travel with a car, but now I have to commute all by myself and get use to it.

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