Sunday, June 21, 2009

muning.journal entry


1. In the first few days you've spent in MCL, how would you compare your high school life to what you envisioned college life to be?
ANS: For me, high school life is somewhat like my childhood time. Playing with others, not that serious, your teachers always remind you and still guiding you, exploring new things, so innocent about what is happening, and it is all fun and enjoyment. But now, as a college student, I'm entering the college life. It will be another challenge for me. I must know how to be more responsible, to be more mature and to know how to get use of real life. I must also know how to handle things and stand on my own. I know that it will be harder for me, but it is a learning process, and I know that I will eventually acquire the things that I should learn in the process and be the best person that I can be.

2. What is the importance of Values Education?
ANS: Values Education is important in a way that it reflects on your attitudes and behavior. And also it inculcates in every students' minds the attitudes that they should acquire and the right disposition to deal with life's hardship and trials. We take up this course because it will help us to learn more in life and to know more about ourselves.

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