Sunday, July 5, 2009

muning.journal entry


If I will have an outstanding virtue I want it to be honesty. I believe this is also one most important virtue that everyone should possess in order for ourselves to succeed and for our country to progress as well.

For example, in the family, it can avoid misunderstanding and can prevent unnecessary worries on the part of the parents, if all their children will tell the truth of their whereabouts and their activities.
In school, if all the students will study harder rather than cheat in order to pass the subject, we can only say then that they have truly learned and will be able to facilitate them as they proceed to another phase of their career.
In work, if all the employees will come on time, won't make themselves idle during working hours or if they really work conscientiously, there will be harmonious relationship among employees and their employers.
In government, if all the public servants are willing to serve the people honestly and putting their own interests aside, there will be no poverty and no upheavals that may arise among the people.

Now, can you imagine world without honesty? Therefore honesty is really important to everyone and to one country, for it tells the truth and may avoid those things that our country are encountering right now.

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